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What NOT to say to someone with a mental health issue: People reveal the least helpful advice they've ever received - from 'you'll be fine' to 'cheer up'

Posted on 20/04/2018 by

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  • Hashtag #ThingsNotToSayToSomeoneWithMentalIllness sprung up on Twitter
  • People who have battled anxiety and depression recalled unhelpful advice
  • Many described being told to 'cheer up' or 'think positive'   

People who have struggled with depression and anxiety are attempting to dispel the stigma around mental health issues with help from social media. 

They've been using the hashtag #ThingsNotToSayToSomeoneWithMentalIllness on Twitter, to share examples of the 'helpful' advice they're given most frequently. 

Dozens of people confessed to being urged to 'cheer up' by well-meaning friends, pointing out that depression is not something that can be resolved by 'positive thinking', but a sickness.     

Those who struggle with mental illnesses are attempting to break the stigma on Twitter

They pointed out that depression is a clinical condition, and not the same as having a 'down day'.

One person using the hashtag wrote: '''Don't worry'' ''Think positive''. Trust me these things do not cure anxiety or depression I wish it was that simple.'

'''Don't be so anxious.'' Thank you, I am now cured of my anxiety disorders,' another posted. 

'"Just calm down!'' It's not that easy,' a third said.

Using the hashtag #ThingsNotToSayToSomeoneWithMentalIllness, people revealed the worst responses they've had to their conditions

Using the hashtag #ThingsNotToSayToSomeoneWithMentalIllness, people revealed the worst responses they've had to their conditions

Others took the opportunity to discourage people from describing themselves as having what can be crippling conditions in a light-hearted way - or even applying medical terms to the weather. 

One user tweeted: '''The weather is SO bipolar right now!'' - my chronic mental illness is not an adjective for you to describe the weather.'

Many recalled being annoyed by people who doubt the reality of their mental health problems, because their lives appear 'fine' to an outsider looking in. 

One said: '''Why are you anxious about that? You're just being silly'' I have no idea why this probably minor or insignificant thing is causing me such distress.'

One of the most popular bugbears was being told to 'cheer up' when suffering from depression


One of the most popular bugbears was being told to 'cheer up' when suffering from depression

'''You're too young to be depressed!'' Yeah, I was told this once,' another confessed.

The thread was very eye-opening for some, with many people saying it would help break the stigma and misunderstandings about mental health problems.

One person tweeted: 'The #ThingsNotToSayToSomeoneWithMentalIllness hashtag is sooo needed the ignorance regarding Mental Health is a problem.' 


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Source: DailyMail