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Nursing News - Career In Nursing: Advantages and Career Prospects

Posted on 3/10/2018 by

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When we think about the noblest professions in the world, Nursing is a career option that strikes our minds along with few other choices. 

The primary responsibility of a nurse is to care for the patients utilizing the evolving science and technology in the health care sector. Nurses and nursing assistants take the lion's share in the healthcare sector and play a vital role covering general ward to operation theatre in a hospital.

Nursing is a career option that has been predominantly occupied by women, however of late men are also venturing towards the arena owing to the numerous advantages. If you are considering nursing as a profession, you should know the reasons why this is most rewarding choice apart from the benefits the profession has to offer. Here are the top reasons why you can choose Nursing as a career.


There are a handful of professions that have such flexibility and nursing is one amongst them. One can either choose to take up the profession part time, full time or on temporary basis depending upon their personal commitment. One can also take time-off from the field and venture back after a break, without much need of brushing up of skills.


One can observe that nurses are dedicated individuals for whom one of the most important purposes in their job is interacting and taking care of the patients. They have a huge role to play in how patients can recover from their illness and conveying the same to the doctors. They are given the sole responsibility of bringing back an ailing person to life, which gives this profession the highest degree of job satisfaction.


There are certain professions which are constraint to only few locations. Candidates who choose nursing as a profession can find employment in numerous locations starting from remote areas to metropolitan cities. One can also become a freelance consulting nurse which can fetch you the option of travelling across the country.

Job Opportunities

With a professional certificate in nursing, one can work in a range of places and sectors. They can choose between public, private and community health sector. There are also opportunities as legal nurse consultant, pharma sector, insurance and other areas also. One can also think about venturing towards the teaching profession with a valid certification in nursing.

Pay Scale

The average starting pay scale of a nurse in India is around 2.5 lakh per annum excluding profit sharing and bonus. The pay structure is much higher according to experience, certification and grade in the community and public sector. The increment and incentives purely depend upon the skills and experience of a nurse. There are a plethora of opportunities for nurses in countries abroad who are always on the lookout for certified, fresher or experienced nurses.

Second Career Option

Nursing profession is also popularly called as a second career. There are many professionals from various fields who choose nursing as their second career after taking volunteer retirement. Though professional study is required to become a nurse, few technical skills can suffice to take up nursing assistant jobs.


Nurses have a range of skills such as interpersonal communication, organisational planning and critical thinking ability. They also have the ability to act as a liaison between the doctors and the patients which results in easy communication and diagnosis of an illness.

Source: YahooFinance